What does the Spanish word “necesito” mean in English?

The Spanish word “necesito” is the present conjugation of the verb “necesitar” in the first person singular form.

Plain English:
Necesito means “I need” in Spanish. It is the conjugation of the verb “to need” (necesitar) conjugated for “I”. You may say “Yo necesito” and it is technically correct, but the “Yo” pronoun is implied by the -o sufix, so it isn’t necessary and may even be perceived as redundant.

How to conjugate necesitar in Spanish

PronounPresent (Indicative)Present (Subjunctive)Past (Indicative)Past (Subjunctive)Future (Indicative)ImperativeParticipleGerund
Learn how to conjugate the verb "necesitar" in Spanish

Disculpe, yo necesito comida.
Excuse me, I need food.

Gracias, yo no necesito más cerveza.
Thank you, I don’t need more beer.

Necesitamos tres más
We need three more

Necesitar: Synonyms in Spanish

  • Tener que – Rather than say “necesito” (I need), you could also say “Tengo que”. This carries the connotation of “I have to ___” and is likely to be used for an action. Example: “Tengo que hacer me tarea, no puedo ir al cine” (I have to do my homework, I can’t go to the movie theater).
  • Requerir – require
  • Depender – rely upon

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